DaVinci IT Helpdesk and Technical Support
For help with with Aspire, please contact the counseling department.
For all other technical support, please check out our Davinci Helpdesk page, send an email to help@mydasa.org or fill out the form on the right.
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The Technology Mission, Vision and Philosophies inherit from DaVinci Academy's core Mission, Vision, and Philosophies.
Technology Mission StatementUnderstanding and using technology as an authentic tool to increase teaching efficiency and student engagement. |
Technology VisionIn K-6, students will learn essential computer skills: typing, navigating, distinguishing and understanding the usefulness of different devices, beginning programming concepts, and basic digital citizenship. In 7-12, we see students using technology proficiently; in addition to their elementary skills, they continue to build into advanced tools and subjects. Professional software tools, organized cloud space, online work submission, tracking, and editing, using technology to solve problems efficiently, mastering and using intermediate programming skills to prepare for advanced technology and post-secondary education are integrated into the curriculum. In higher grades we would see all of the above plus students entering strategic pathways in technology that prepares for future jobs, or using their own initiative to use technology to demonstrate learning which will improve their job skills to be more competitive, modern workforce. Whether or not students have access at home, DaVinci will ensure that students learn these technology skills to meet and exceed technology standards worldwide. |
Technology Philosophy and PolicyThe primary purpose of the integration of technology is to improve student learning and ensure equal access of technology for all. The purchase of hardware and software and the implementation of network systems, data services and online internet technologies are for the purpose of supporting the staff and student use of technology; we facilitate the incorporation of technology into the regular instructional program and the staff’s day to day activities.
Technology should never be a “means to the end”. Technology is not something that will fix a problem; rather, it is a supplement for school and society. Many components are needed to enact good solutions and technology is one of them. Therefore, it is important to allocate the correct amount of the right technology resources at the school.
Technology should be part of the district plan, the school improvement plans, and all individual professional development plans. Technology should not be a goal in and of itself, but a tool to assist us in accomplishing goals. Our computer, network, data and web supports inquiry-based, project-based, and collaborative learning projects on any device and at any time.
Administrative use of technology should be for the express purpose of improving efficiency, reducing cost, data acquisitions, assessments, curriculum creation and supporting instructional improvement. In addition, particular to DaVinci Academy, technology use needs to be compatible between DaVinci Academy and the Utah State Board of Education as well as other entities that might require collaboration. Technology at DaVinci conforms to the FERPA laws and CIPA laws, always keeping in mind that student data should be strongly protected. All third party applications that record any type of student data are listed in the metadata dictionary, and must sign a data privacy agreement with DaVinci academy prior to its implementation in our schools.
Technology holds the great potential for significantly improving student learning and engagement. Administration and staff must ensure that technology wherever it will benefit the process to student success. Adequate and sustained training is a necessary prerequisite to the expectation of increased and effective staff utilization. The Information & Technology department will serve as a primary resource to the educators and essential backbone to DaVinci's schools. |