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Board Training Document

I. Finances State Training (Overview PowerPoint)

A. Budget Summary      Watch Video Here

B. Budget Detail      Watch Video Here

         1.  YTD (Year To Date)

          2.  Approved Budget

          3.  Forecast Budget

          4.  % of Target (# of months completed / 12)

          5.  % of Forecast (YTD / Forecast budget)

Financial Ratios Examples

a) Debt-Service Coverage

(1) Net Income / Debt Service

(2) Example Click Here

b) Operating Margin

(1) Total Revenue – Total Expenses / Total Revenue

(2) Example Click Here

c) Building Cost % of Budget

(1) Building Cost / Total Expenses

(2) Example Click Here

d) Days Cash on Hand

(1) Total Expenses / 365 = Per Day Then Total Cash / Per Day

(2) Example Click Here

4. Expense vs. Revenue

Board Duties

I. Required Trainings

    A. Open Public Meeting Law

II. Executive Administrator Evaluation

III. Governance and Policies

    A. Committee Structure

    B. Board Meetings

   C. Curriculum Review Process

IV.  Board Calendar Timelines

  1. July

  2. August

    1. Board Retreat Training

    2. Background checks done

    3. Appoint and review members of the LEA Curriculum Committee

    4. Approve staff

    5. Review school policy schedule

    6. UCAP website

    7. Review the School Improvement Plan

    8. Approve Early Literacy Plan

  3. September

    1. Review school fees and fundraisers

    2. Review school data

    3. Review 5-year strategic plan and update

    4. Review Grants and Process for Measuring and Approve Plans

  4. October

    1. Annual Assurances of Compliance

    2. Approve federal and state plans in UCA

    3. Review of Open Public Meeting Law

    4. Review and approve Final Results from previous school land trust

  5. November

    1. Management Response Letters Submitted

    2. Review of the financial audit by auditors

  6. December

    1. Review of Financials and reports

      1. Federal reimbursements

      2. Special Education reimbursements

  7. January

    1. Open board elections--Parent signatures begin

    2. Approve school calendar for the upcoming year

    3. Approve school fee schedule for upcoming year

    4. Review of Financial Procedure Policy -- 503

    5. Review fee spend plan and proposed fees

  8. February

    1. Close board elections on last Friday--Parent signatures end

    2. Approve school fees for upcoming year and submit to the state

  9. March

    1. Review of Open Public Meeting Law

    2. Approve school fees for upcoming year and submit to the state

  10. April

    1. Land trust plan and progress report due

    2. Update and approve school fee policy and schedule

    3. Director evaluation

  11. May

    1. Review data from TSSA plan and make adjustments

    2. Review fee spend plan to make needed adjustments to school fee schedule

    3. EA Evals

    4. Approve Counselor Report

  12. June 

    1. Approve current budget

    2. Approve upcoming school year budget

    3. Approve TSSA Plan